Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My depressing weekend and Blue-est Monday

A long and depressing weekend... a long and depressing monday...

Have never felt so down before! All kind of events happened on the same day, same period of time. Feel so lost, so demoralised.

Through these events, I realised that communications are indeed, super ultimate important! Relationship with your friends and colleagues are as important as well!

After talking to one of my close friends, I learnt something about myself too... actually, something that I keep avoiding and taking it for granted for so long... It is not easy to overcome it, but I will constantly and consiously keep in mind... I will be more ____... I also told this friend something that I can't share with many of you... something that I do not want to share... so please dun ask me k...

Some emo questions that I keep thinking for the past days...

Who is Terence?
What kind of person is he?
What things he likes?
Where is his love resides on?
What kind of future will this man holds?
When can he ever get more money?
When can he start to save without spending that much?

I would say that I started out my OX year in a mess! My room is in a mess. My dance project is in a mess. My career is in a mess. My money management is in a mess... I blame all to the fact that I do not have a tidy room... and I hope that now, I can have a better life...

By the way, I went to Shangri La Loh Hei Luncheon with my manager. And I won the first prize lucky draw! One weekend stay at Shangri La Singapore Club floor! Yea... I think this is the only thing I am happy about...

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